Portfolio Index Value
The portfolio index value of a portfolio is derived from the underlying trading activity conducted by the portfolio creator and is hypothetical performance. These metrics are calculated by generating a return series based on the portfolio's trading activity. To enable comparisons among different user created portfolios over a specific time period, the returns are indexed to a starting value of 100. The indexing process involves normalizing each data point to the starting value of 100 while preserving the same percentage changes as in the non- indexed return series. Subsequently, the index returns are calculated in a manner that ensures the percentage changes in the indexed series mirror those of the non-indexed series. For instance, if a portfolio index is recorded as 130, it signifies a 30% return since its inception.
The US dollar is the currency used to express performance. All hypothetical performance information reflects past hypothetical performance and your actual returns will differ. Users should bear in mind that any past performance is not indicative of future results and there can be no assurance that you will achieve comparable results.
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